Our Belt Ranking System

Elevating Through Dedication and Achievement

Our ranking system is a testament to your dedication, perseverance, and growth within the art of Capoeira. It reflects your journey from a beginner to a seasoned practitioner, marking your milestones and celebrating your commitment. As you climb those ranks, you’re not just mastering moves; you’re absorbing the heart and soul of Capoeira, transforming it into a way of life. Every step forward is a victory, a testament to your spirit and your willingness to embrace the captivating journey that Capoeira offers.

Kid ranks

Kids promotions happen about every 4 months. Kids (under 12) will start off with a gray cord, then earn their gray/green at their first promotion ceremony. Señor do Bomfim ribbons are tied to cords to show progression and preparation for the next cord. One ribbon shows that a student is ready to be promoted at the next ceremony. Once a kid gets blue in their cord, two ribbons will show that the student is ready to be promoted.

Kids classes focus on Level 1 of our curriculum.

0 - Gray

1 - Gray/Green

2 - Gray/Green/Yellow

3 - Gray/Yellow

4 - Gray/Blue/Green

5 - Gray/Blue/Yellow

6 - Gray/Blue

Adult ranks

Adult students receive their first cord, also called a Batizado, within their first 6 months. A new student with their gray cord is welcomed to the group by playing Capoeira with more experienced students who have already earned a cord, than the instructor. A Troca de Cordões, or “changing of cords” ceremony is where students receive their next rank, and involves the student being promoted playing other members of the group and the instructor to celebrate their achievement.

At Grand Rapids Capoeira, we know everybody and every body is different. Which is why each student is evaluated as an individual, not against their peers or a rubric. The descriptions below should be viewed as strong guidelines, not hard and fast rules.

0 - Gray

New to the group, an intro cord.

1 - Green

The first cord a student earns, within their first 6 months.

2 - Green/Yellow

A student has good Level 1 ability. Usual time to earn: 1-2 years

3 - Yellow

The student has a solid foundation of basics and is good grasp of Level 2 curriculum. The student is now trusted to teach as a sub. Usual time to earn: 2-3 years.

4 - Blue/Green (Graduada/o/e)

Now considered a graduated student, a graduada/o has solid Level 1 and 2 abilities. Graduadas/os have started officially learning the history of Capoeira and are able to take on a more regular teaching role. Usual time to earn: 2-3 years. Minimum age to earn: 16

5 - Blue/Yellow (Monitor/a/e)

At this level, a capoeirista has a good understanding of Capoeira history and is teaching classes at the academy (if that’s the route they want to go). A monitor/a continues their learning by teaching what they know to others. This is when the philosophy of Capoeira starts to take root, and students at this level are beginning to internalize and shape their Capoeira philosophy. Usual time to earn: 2-3 years.

6 - Blue (Instrutor/a/e)

No longer considered a student, an instrutor/a has at least a decade of experience in Capoeira. This cord is the last stop before Professor/a, and a capoeirista being encouraged to start their own school. Teaching, movement, music, and history are all old friends by this point, and the instrutor/a is building out their views and philosophies of what Capoeira is, and how they want to pass it on. Usual time to earn: 2-3 years.

7 - Blue/Green/Yellow (Professor/a/e)

At this point, a capoeirista is ready to go out and start their own academy under their own name to grow the Capoeira community. They can still be affiliated with Grand Rapids Capoeira and earn promotions, just under their own name. Usual time to earn 3-5 years.

After earning Professor/a/e, a capoeirista is evaluated on how they are teaching the art, growing the Capoeira community, and the time they have put in. Each cord after Professor/a/e has a minimum of 3 years to earn.

8 - Blue/Green/Yellow/White (Contramestra/e/u)

9 - Green/White (Mestra/e/u 1)

10 - Yellow/White (Mestra/e/u 2)

11 - Blue/White (Mestra/e/u 3)

12 - White (Grau Mestra/e/u)